Digital Well-Being: For Parents and Caregivers of Youth Ages 9 - 14 years Thursday, January 30, 2025, 6 – 7:30pm
![]() The presentation is from 6 to 7:30 pm, with an opportunity for Q & A from 7:30 to 8 pm.
Digital Well-Being: For Parents and Caregivers of Youth Ages 9 - 14 years Thursday, January 30, 2025, 6 – 7:30pm
![]() The presentation is from 6 to 7:30 pm, with an opportunity for Q & A from 7:30 to 8 pm.
Being mindful means being focused, aware and present in the moment. This can help us in many ways in and out of school. Being mindful can help us to stay focused and deal stress when it comes up in our lives. Being mindful lets us be aware of our bodies and our minds and also to be aware of others.
Starting in January, every Wednesday at lunch recess, students from all grades at Wes Hosford are welcome to come and join me at our Mindfulness Club. Students may come and go as they please, if students want to come one week and want to head outside the next week, that is ok too! I love to meet with this group and we have had such a great turnout with positive feedback. We look forward to calm, mindful activities like listening to music, colouring, yoga, guided relaxation activities and more. I look forward to starting this club again once the cooler weather arrives!
Ask your child if they have tried out our Mindfulness Club!
Strathcona County has some great community resources available to us. Please check them out! They also have many free courses available all season long for a variety of interests and ages. Click here to see what is being offered!
This program will be starting soon, it may be of interest to students in Grade 5 and 6.
Move Your Mood - For children currently in Grades 5 and 6 A research-based program that promotes physical activity and healthy lifestyle practices to improve the mental and physical well-being of participants. The MYM program provides opportunities for participants to experience how to move their bodies, fuel their bodies, practice mindfulness, and build positive coping strategies. The goal is that participants have fun in the program, gain confidence and learn about healthy lifestyle practices to improve both their physical and mental well-being in this 8-week program. Date: Starting Friday, January 17, 2025 (8 week program) Time: 4:30 – 6pmLocation: 160 Festival Way Sherwood Park
Cost: Free, registered today!
Sign Up For more Information email
Counselling, free parenting courses, mental health building and more are just some of the resources available to us.
You can call 780-464-4044 or visit
Well-being and mental health | Strathcona County Our goal is to help build a supported, safe and connected community that encourages the well-being of every single person. |
March 2024 CES Presentations ( AHS also provides some great resources and online sessions for parents. Check them out here!
If you missed any of our previous parent presentations or are looking for more information, please follow the links below to some websites and videos from the presentations. Thank you to the Saffron Centre, the Strathcona County Family Resource Network and our wonderful parents for joining these wonderful presentations.
Foundations of Connection: How to Communicate with Your Youth
Presented by the Saffron Centre
If you missed it, you can check it out online here!
Foundations of Connection Presentation
Cyberworld: What happens When Youth Press Send?
*note that the content has been slightly updated for the parent presentation since the recording has been made.
No Such Thing as a Bad Kid: Understanding What’s Behind Children’s Behaviours
Presented by Strathcona County Family Resource Network
Here are some videos from the presentation if you missed it!
Zero to Thrive: Parenting with Balanced Caregiving - YouTube
Happy Healthy Little Ones Circle of Security Parenting Being With and Shark Music - YouTube
September - Welcome Back
My name is Christy Nichol. I hope that everyone has enjoyed a restful summer and is feeling refreshed and ready for a new school year. I hope you had time to connect with family and friends, enjoy some time together and make some special memories over the summer.
I am a busy mom of four and love spending time with kids. I have been teaching a variety of classes from Grades 1-6 since 2007, with a few breaks in between to stay at home with my own babies. I have a passion for mental health and I am grateful to be back at Wes Hosford part time this year as a School Counsellor. I will typically be at the school all day on Tuesday and Wednesday as well as Thursday mornings this year. This may change from time to time, so I’ll try to post a schedule outside of my office so students know when I am in the school. You can reach me by emailing me at or by phoning the school when I am in.
I hope to visit all our Wes Hosford classrooms in the first few weeks of September to see some familiar faces and meet new ones too.
If you think your child may benefit from coming to see me, the following information may be helpful to share with them.
Q: Why would I see the counsellor?
A: A counsellor is an adult who acts as your advocate. An advocate is someone who wants to listen to what you have to say and helps you come up with solutions. It does not mean I can solve the problems for you; it does mean that you have a safe place you can go to when you are not sure what to do.
Also, a counsellor can:
-make sure you’ve got all the right facts.
-help you express your needs and feelings.
-help you figure out what to do next.
-help you tap into your own strengths and resources.
Q: What sorts of things can I talk to the counsellor about?
A: You may want to talk to me if you have any academic, or personal concerns. For example:
“I’m having trouble making friends.”
“I’m having a hard time paying attention in class.”
“My parents and I argue often.”
Q: How do I request to see the counsellor?
A: Let the office or your teacher know you need to see me and I will let your teacher know when you can come to my counselling office. Don't worry, no one else needs to know we are chatting!
Q: Is what I say kept private?
A: All information shared is considered confidential or private unless we have been given permission by you to share the information or if the information interferes with one or more of three legal restrictions: the student is planning to harm themselves or someone else; someone is harming the student; a judge or FOIP request occurs and records are subpoenaed.
This year, we are fortunate to have Miss K, our Mental Health Capacity Builder working at Wes Hosford. Miss K will be visiting classrooms to deliver Mental Health lessons and we look forward to working collaboratively this year to benefit our school community.
I'm looking forward to another great school year! Please reach out with any questions you may have!
I’m sure we can all agree that technology has brought some positives and negatives into our lives. While it can be a useful and helpful tool in so many ways, it has also been associated with the rise of anxiety and depression that we see today. I always like to think, “ I hope the people in my life always know that they are more important than any screen in front of me” and want to model proper technology use for them. That being said, our devices seem to be the tools that we need to organize and live our daily lives and this will continue for our children too. So, let’s teach and model digital citizenship, find a balance and enjoy the best of both worlds.
Digital citizenship is important in the world we live in today. We are amazed at what our youth can do with electronics and computers, see the growing use of technology daily, and unfortunately sometimes we see the disadvantages of that too. Digital citizenship can help our students navigate technology and the digital world safely and responsibly so that these tools are used to help them learn and grow in a positive way. It is so important to give our kids the tools they need to succeed to help them make responsible choices, treat themselves and others respectfully both on and offline.
As our children get older and want to navigate social media, there is a whole new world out there that sometimes can go unnoticed by parents. It is important to have conversations with your child about using technology responsibly. Decide on your rules and boundaries with social media with your child. Monitor their usage. Modeling responsible technology and social media use is also important for parents too. For example, it is easy to get caught up in the digital world and feel like we as adults need to check our phones constantly. Model taking a break, put the phones away at dinner, have a conversation with your family. Kids notice when we are always on our phones too. Have conversations about appropriate technology use and why it is important to use them responsibly. This may include topics like cyberbullying, online safety and trustworthy people and sites, respecting privacy and more. This website below has many ideas on things that you can chat with your child about to keep them safe online.
At school, we are doing our part to discuss responsible technology use. We have some guest speakers coming in this month to talk about digital citizenship and online safety. Please ask your child about what they are learning and continue these discussions at home. Of course, if you have any questions, please reach out!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving long weekends with family and friends, get outside and find something to be grateful for!
Please read our WHF Personal Mobile Device (PMD) Plan. As well, please search Helping Students Use Cell Phones Safely for some added tips.
Please support our school fundraisers! Currently, the majority of funds are being gathered to help build an extension on our playground.
Learn more about how we assess and report student achievement