Did you know you can search our catalogue in your classroom, or even from home?
Did you know you can search our catalogue in your classroom, or even from home?
One of the most important ways to become a better reader is to read good-fit books. Use this tool to help select books:
I PICK Good-Fit Books
I select a book and look it over, inside and out.
Purpose: Why might I want to read it?
Interest: Does it interest me?
Comprehend: Do I understand what I am reading?
Know: Do I know most of the words?
Kids' Brittanica Encyclopedia Online
Merriam-Webster's Word Central - dictionary, rhyming dictionary
Merriam-Webster's Learning Dictionary
The following are some of the more popular kid-friendly search engines:
SafeSearchKids (Google)
October is Digital Citizenship Month. We must always work on being responsible digital citizens.
Here are some resources to help you:
Please read our WHF Personal Mobile Device (PMD) Plan. As well, please search Helping Students Use Cell Phones Safely for some added tips.
Please support our school fundraisers! Currently, the majority of funds are being gathered to help build an extension on our playground.
Learn more about how we assess and report student achievement